The narrative of the once-dominant cryptocurrency exchange that abruptly filed for bankruptcy took a new turn after Vox published a series of chats with Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX. The former executive, also known as SBF in the bitcoin community, discussed a variety of subjects that have gained prominence in tech since FTX itself immolated, including ethics, regulators, and bankruptcy regrets. In the notes, SBF criticised authorities, saying that “they don’t safeguard customers at all” and “make everything worse.” The publication released screenshots of the notes. Given that SBF’s previous employer will soon at least be up against the American Congress, the strategy and tone are noteworthy. In subsequent messages, he makes it clear that his view of regulators is based on his opinion that their methods to control are overly straightforward — “just ‘do more business’ vs. ‘do less business’ and ‘put up more moats’ vs. ‘put up fewer moats'” — and, in his view, do not distinguish “between good and bad.”