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Meta won’t let staff discuss topics like abortion, gun control and vaccines at work

At Meta, staff members were told not to broach touchy subjects like abortion, gun control, proposed legislation, or vaccine efficacy in the workplace. According to a leaked internal document from Lori Goler, Meta’s head of people, Fortune reported on the adjustments. To TechCrunch, a Meta representative confirmed the information.

According to Fortune, Goler stated in a business memo that “As Mark recently mentioned, we need to make a number of cultural shifts to help us deliver on our priorities,” “We’re doing this to keep internal conversations respectful, productive, and focused.” The trade-off is that we will no longer permit all forms of expression at work, but we feel that this is the correct move for the long-term wellbeing of our internal community. When a draught Roe v. Wade ruling from the Supreme Court was leaked in June, Meta adopted a similar stance.

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