Business Business Stories Interviews Investment Leadership Start-up Stories Technology founder Rahul Yadav’s Broker Network to raise INR 9 crore from Info Edge

Rahul Yadav, the founder of, will raise INR 9 crore from Info Edge, its only other investor, to launch his proptech startup Broker Network.

Broker Network links brokers with real estate developers and buyers. Additionally, it enables users to market their properties on the platform and offers customers services relating to house loans from third-party lenders such as banks and non-banking financial corporations (NBFCs). The business will utilise the money to drive its expansion and growth objectives. The firm from Mumbai claims to have over a million brokers registered on its platform, along with over 1,000 active real estate projects. The business also asserts that since its founding, house loans totaling INR 4,000 Cr have been provided.

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